Thursday, August 14, 2008


Ok, so the past few days since my fill have do I put this? EXCRUCIATING?!?!? LOL I have never experienced true restriction, so this is really taking some getting used to. Sometimes liquid will not go down. I can't take my Wellbutrin pills, because they get stuck EVERYTIME. I've never gotten a pill stuck until now, and let me tell is NOT FUN. It HURTS BAD!

I did liquids only, for a few days to try to get things calmed down a bit, after the pill got stuck. I think I had major irritation. So, in the mornings, I have a hot cup of coffee to try to loosen it up a bit, then I attempt to take my SMALLEST pill. Then around lunch, I try to have something like soup, or some type of meat like a turkey hot dog or something. As long as I chew it like a food processor, and take TINY TINY bites, it will go down. But, one hot dog FILLS me up!! Then it's off to the treadmill or gazelle, for 45 minutes.

Then for supper, maybe a small salad, with bleu cheese dressing, and some veggie toppings, and croutons. CHEW CHEW CHEW like mad again, and I can get most of it down. About an hour later, I SIP Crystal Light, and then it's off to bed.

The scale is being VERY stubborn, but the inches are falling off!! I can really tell it in my clothes!
I'm down to my lowest weight since surgery, 207.5. I've lost 1.25" in my waist, 1.25" in my thighs, 0.5" in my calves, 0.25" in my arms, 1.75" in my tummy!!!! And 0.75" in my hips!
So, I'm excited! If you don't take your measurements, I would really encourage it!! Those scales can really discourage you, if you don't know what's going on with your measurements!

OK, so I've rattled on enough. I'm just really excited. I REALLY want to get down to 160 by Christmas. I don't know if that will be possible, but I'm definitley TRYING my best to achieve it! Total weightloss so far: 39.5lbs!

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