Monday, August 11, 2008


Well, I went to Tennessee for a visit, and my cousin, (the RN) gave me a fill. She did better than anyone else who has attempted it!! She has a band, and does her own fills now, so she knows very well, how to do it. She hit the port the very first time, and I didn't feel a thing!!

So, anyway, I'm TIGHT. Really tight. She took a little out before I left, but I think I'm still pretty tight. About 3 bites of food is ALL I can eat! I decided to go on a liquid diet for about a week. Hopefully I will lose enough to loosen it up a bit.

I've also added exercise to my regimen, and that has helped a BUNCH! The pounds are being a bit stubborn, but I'm losing inches, and I can really tell it in my clothes. SO, I'm thinking THIS time, it's gonna work! Thanks to my cousin! I'll keep you posted!
I'm down to 208.5. That is the lowest weight I've reached since my surgery! :-)
I'd really like to be at 160 by Christmas, and I think I'll be able to reach that goal!! I hope!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Donna,
I just wanted to send you some words of encouragement. You seem like you've been struggling and that can't be easy. Just know we all have our own struggles. You hang in there and soon you'll see it was all worth it.
Take care of you.