Friday, December 7, 2007

It's working!

I'm REALLY happy. I lost the pounds I gained after having all my fill taken away, and I've even lost MORE! I'm down to 209.5 now. Yippee! I'm working at it a little. Not really though. I did 20 mins on my Gazelle yesterday, and today. But, I'm not really watching what I eat. I seem to have a problem with the word "diet" or "watching what I eat." Weird I know, but if I tell myself, "hey, I'm gonna start watching what I eat," It's like I go into starvation mode. I know it's mental, but I can't think about ANYTHING but food!

So, I have decided to just eat what I want, stop with one serving, and try to keep busy, so that I'm not thinkin about food 24/7. Seems to be working so far.
37.5 pounds lost!