Thursday, August 30, 2007


I know you already know how bad I hate plateaus, because I've complained enough! I know that I'm settling out at a new setpoint, blah, blah, blah, but it still makes me mad when that scale won't MOVE! Anyway, I'm still stuck at 37 pounds gone!

I'm honestly thinking about doing something to jumpstart my loss! My birthday is Sept. 28th, and I was really HOPING to be below 200 by then! That was my FIRST BIG goal! So, I'm thinking of doing Cambridge for a week or two. That will probably take at least 11 pounds off me. Then I should be sitting at 199!!! HOPEFULLY the weight won't come back after I get off Cambridge. I'm counting on the band preventing me to take in enough calories to GAIN.

We'll see how it goes! HAPPY BIRHTDAY TO ME!! 199!!....haven't been below 200 in almost 7 years now!

Friday, August 24, 2007

OOOOOOOH, I'm so exasperated!!! I guess I need a fill! I'm scheduled to go Sept. 7th for my next fill. Yesterday, I ate like a PIG. I don't know why! Well, I was hungry, and I ate ALL DAY! I wouldn't have been able to do that a couple of weeks ago, nor would I have wanted to, because the band really DOES curb your appetite. So, I need to hurry up and get back to my fill doctor! My weight is creeping back up, and I'm not surprised...the way I've been eating! This has GOT to STOP. I want my restriction back!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Back Home

Well, I'm back from Tennessee. I had a good trip. I'm down to 210. A total loss of 37 pounds so far. I really feel bloated though, and I actually felt SMALLER when I was in Tennessee. So, I'm thinking Aunt Flo is probably playing a trick on me! In a couple of days, hopefully, I'll be down a couple more pounds.

I decided while I was in Tennessee, that no matter how BAD I hate it, I've got to start exercising! I'm really hoping that exercise will make me firmer. I really don't want a lot of excess skin hanging around. It may be hard to avoid after losing 100 pounds, but if I can do ANYTHING to help out, I'm gonna try!

So, I did a mile and a half on the treadmill, and Gazelle last night. It was a start! Gotta keep it up!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Plateau Broken!

Finally, I'm losing again. I'm in Tennessee right now, so I'm not near any scales, but I feel smaller. I was down to 211 before I left home, so I'm hoping to be below 210 when I get back home. I walked 2 miles with my "lapbanded cousin" this morning. I was shoocked to see how TINY she was! I haven't seen her in a few months, and she has REALLY lost a lot. The last few pounds really made a difference. I told her I was going to take a picture of her for motivation! She's really small, and I could tell she really feels good about herself.

So, now I'm excited once again about my lapband. Everyone here (in Tennessee)said, "Wow, you've REALLY lost a lot of weight!" I was like...."Really????" Doesn't seem that way to me, but I guess it's because it's a slow loss.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

OK, so nothing major going on here. I'm stuck at 212. I'm not too happy about that, but hey it happens! Atleast I know I'll never weigh MORE than 212 ever again, other than water fluctuations! Anyway, just stopping in to make sure you know I'm NOT gone. I'm still here. Just staring at my scale, and gripping a hammer tight in my fist. I'm tempted, boy am I tempted!

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